
Apakah kamu tau laces itu apa? apa kamu pernah melihatnya? Sebenernya laces udah ada di sekitar kita sejak jaman bahula. But, we know it as broklat. Itu lhoh, yang biasanya dibuat ibu-ibu pergi kondangan. But there's a little bit different between laces and broklat. Broklat itu kan complete sama payet-payet, kalau laces, it's without any beads. Jadi, istilahnya laces itu bentuk telanjangnya dari broklat. :)

Saat ini, banyak banget hollywood sweetheart yang hobi pake laces, sebut aja pemeran hermione, Emma Watson. Artis ini hobi banget pake laces, mulai dari bentuk jumpsuit, sampai dress yang dia pakai di berbagai gelaran red carpet.

Mungkin, sebelum kita sampai di masa bangkitnya laces, we only think that laces is sooo grandma. We never have any thought that we will use it to cover our self. But, hello, girls.!!! now days, everything vintage become something cool. FASHION IS FREEDOM. You can express your self in all the line of fashion, start from suede, sequin, until laces. As long as you understand the meaning of fashion rules, just go on.!!!


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