Make A Wave

Tahukan kalian seberapa pentingnya laut-laut di dunia ini? Penting banget, penting, cukup penting, atau malah nggak penting? Semua orang waras pasti akan menjawab penting banget.! Di dalam lautan, banyak banget kehidupan-kehidupan lugu yang masih sangat alami. Ikan-ikan dan terumbu karang berbaur dipelukan air laut pemberi kehidupan. Air laut diibaratkan seperti oksigen bagi manusia. Penghuni-penghuni laut butuh banget yang namanya air. Bayangkan kalau di dunia ini nggak ada oksigen atau oksigen tercemar oleh polusi, mau menghirup apa kita? gas carbon monoksida? sama aja mati...!!! organisme laut juga begitu. mereka perlu air laut yang bersih, nggak berpolusi, kaya oksigen agar mereka bisa bertahan hidup. Tapi coba lihat keadaan laut saat ini. Isinya cuma sampah,sampah,dan sampah. Siapa yang melakukan hal tega kayak gitu? jelas jawabannya MANUSIA. Banyak orang bilang kalau mereka sayang bumi, sayang laut, sayang alam. Tapi nyatanya hanya omong kosong. Ikan-ikan merana karena kita. Pukat-pukat harimau merajalela. hal gila apa itu? Hanya kita yang bisa merubah semuanya, memulai gerakan introspeksi diri. Hanya kita sebagai manusia yang bisa menyelamatkan bumi dan hamparan laut yang kita punya. Kalau kita hanya diam saja dan menjawab "biar sajalah, toh sudah diatur sama Tuhan", sama saja kita menghancurkan hidup kita. Secara, kalau bumi dan seisinya rusak, mau tinggal di mana kita? kalau laut nggak berdaya, ikan-ikan itu mau hidup di mana? kalau ikan-ikan itu mati karena laut tak bersahabat, nelayan mau mancing apa? pada akhirnya kita juga yang repot. Jadi, AYOLAH TEMAN, kita generasi muda yang masih punya banyak kekuatan harus menjadi percikan api, yang nantinya bisa menimbulkan api besar. Kita bisa memulainya, dan percayalah bahwa orang lain pasti akan mengikutimu. jangan jadi follower deh! JADILAH TRENDSETTER. Coba tengok lirik lagu Make A Wave yang dibawain sama Demi Lovato dan Joe Jonas ini...

They say the beat of a butterflies wings,
can set off a storm a world away
What if they're right and the smallest of things,
can power the strongest hurricane
What if it all begins inside
We hold the key that turns the tide

Just a pebble in the water
Can set the sea in motion
A simple act of kindness
Can stir the widest ocean
If we show a little love
heaven knows what we could change
so throw a pebble in the water
Make a wave
Make a wave
Make a wave, make a wave

The single choice to take a stand
And reach out your hand to someone in need (help somebody)
Don't fool yourself and say you can't
You never know what can grow
from just one seed
so come with me and seize the day
this world may never be the same

Just a pebble in the water
Can set the sea in motion
A simple act of kindness
Can stir the widest ocean
If we show a little love
Heaven knows what we could change
so throw a pebble in the water
throw a pebble in the water
Make a wave
Make a wave
Make a wave

Ibaratkan kita melemparkan kirikil kecil ke air, pasti pada akhirnya akan muncul gelombang yang menyebar ke seluruh permukaan. Itu yang harus kita lakukan! dimulai dari diri sendiri baru orang lain....

Two Voices One Song Official Music Video

Two Voices One Song

It's so rare to find a friend like you
Somehow when you're around the sky is always blue
The way we talk
The things you say
The way you make it all OK
And how you know
All of my jokes
But you laugh anyway...

If I could wish for one thing
I take the smile that you bring
Wherever you go in this world I'll come along
Together we dream the same dream
Forever I'm here for you, you're here for me
Oh ooh oh
Two voices, one song

Now every day is something new
And any path we take I'm looking forward too
The way we try and never quit
The way that all the pieces fit
The way we know the parts by heart
And sing out loud

If I could wish for one thing
I take the smile that you bring
Wherever you go in this world I'll come along
Together we dream the same dream
Forever I'm here for you, you're here for me
Oh ooh oh two voices one song

And anywhere you are you know I'll be around
And when you call my name I'll listen for the sound

If I could wish for one thing
I take the smile that you bring
Wherever you go in this world I'll come along
Together we dream the same dream
Forever I'm here for you, you're here for me
Oh ooh oh two voices one song
If I could wish for one thing
I take the smile that you bring
With you by my side I can go on
Now I have all that I need
And the sweetest sound will always be
Oh ooh oh two voices one song
Oh ooh oh two voices one song
Oh ooh oh two voices one song

-Original Soundtrack of Barbie & Diamond Castle-

It's tell us, how's beautiful all friendship in this world if we can share love to each other and can accept our friends whoever they are. No matter that's two voices or more, but we can unite those voices in one song. No matter how's big our different, but we can be one soul to face the world together...